Meet the donkeys

Hannah Montana

The big girl

Hi folks! Hannah Montana here, coming to you from Sunny Acres Donkey Farm. I’ve been living here for a while now, with a couple of friends.

Daisy May is a bit younger than I am, she’s quite easy to get along with, most of the time. Johnny Cotton and Halo Hailey (aka Sassy Pants!) joined us a while back, and is fitting in nicely. They know I’m the most mature and look up to me, which is how it should be.  I mean, I adore them all, and we have our share of fun and games.  We donkeys like to play, did you know?  We also like our pats and treats.  I’ve found that singing in my finest voice is the best way to get the PA, Karon, to come out of her big, old stable and bring me a nice carrot.  She always knows I expect a nice pat or even a brush if she remembers.

It’s a great place; lots of space to roam, run and play, good meals, and lots of pats from Karon, my personal assistant.  She is great in making sure that all my needs are met.  I have regular health checks, my beauty needs are tended to with my mobile podiatrist, and my glamour photo shoots always turn out looking terrific!

Oh, and I’m having a baby soon!  That will be very exciting.  It’ll be nice to have my figure back, to be honest.  You humans have it easy with your nine-month gestation.  Ours take a whole year, and sometimes longer!  My baby – we usually only have one at a time – will be cute and beautiful, just like me.  He or she will be with me for a while but we donkeys like our independence, so I’ll be happy for my little one to go to a forever home around six months later.  Anyway, I’m off to have a rest now.  I’ve told the others they should write their own stories too, so you’ll be hearing from one of them real soon!

Bye for now from Hanna Montana

Daisy Mae

Flower icon

The Cool and Adventurous Donkey

Hey there! I'm Daisy Mae, the tan-brown donkey with a flair for adventure and a heart full of coolness. My coat's a gorgeous shade of tan, making me a standout beauty among my donkey pals. I've got this laid-back vibe that everyone at the farm loves. Hanging out with my human friends and fellow donkeys? That's my jam!

But let's chat about my adventurous side. Nighttime is my stage, and the moonlit farm is my playground. While others are snoozing, I'm plotting my friendly escapade. Breaking out of my paddock is my little thrill – it's like my version of a midnight snack! I wander around, exploring the nooks and crannies of the farm under the stars, feeling the cool night air, and just being my awesome self.

Don't worry, though; I'm not one to stray too far from home. Once I've had my fill of nightly adventures, I'm back to my buddies in the paddock. They never know about my secret excursions – well, unless they spot the extra twinkle in my eye the next morning.

I'm Daisy Mae, the epitome of cool with a sprinkle of mischief. Whether I'm chilling with my friends or embarking on my moonlight jaunts, I'm living the donkey dream. So, next time you're at the farm and you see a tan beauty with a knowing smile, that's me, probably planning my next great adventure!

From Daisy Mae

Johnny Cotton

Introducing our little man

Hi! I'm Johnny Cotton, a young donkey with a lot of personality. Even though I'm only a year old and still have my baby coat, I'm growing up fast and I'm going to look great when I'm older.

I like to think I'm the boss around here, especially with the lady donkeys. But they're pretty smart and don't let me get away with too much. We have a lot of fun together though.

I have a bit of a cheeky side with humans too. Sometimes I try to be the boss, but I really love cuddles and pats. If I ever cause a bit of trouble, a good cuddle usually makes everything okay.

I'm still learning and growing every day. I might be young, but I'm already showing that I'm going to be a really handsome and fun donkey. Watch out, everyone – Johnny Cotton is on his way to being the star of the show!

by Johnny Cotton

Halo Hailey

The Sassy and Sweet Donkey

Hello there! I'm Hailey Halo but around these parts, they sometimes call me Sassie Pants. It's a nickname I've earned with my unique personality. You see, most of the time, I'm as sweet as a sun-kissed clover. But every now and then, a little sass peeks through. I just can't help it!

I've never actually kicked anyone – I'm all bark and no bite, or should I say all bray and no kick? But when I'm not in the mood for cuddles or pats, I'm not shy about showing my rear end as a polite, 'please, give me some space'. It's my way of saying I'm not in the mood, but it's all in good fun.

Speaking of fun, I've got a bit of a mischievous streak. If you accidentally leave the gate open, I might just take a little stroll outside. I can't resist a good adventure, even if it's just a few steps away. But don't worry, a carrot or two will usually do the trick to guide me back home. I can't resist a tasty treat!

Now, about grooming – I'll admit, sometimes I play hard to get. I might turn my nose up at being brushed or having my hooves cleaned. But let someone else get all the attention, and suddenly, I'm right there, ready to be pampered. I guess you could say I have a bit of a jealous side. I just love being the center of attention!

My humans say I'm delightfully funny, and I'd have to agree. Life is too short to be serious all the time, don't you think? I love to keep everyone on their toes, guessing whether they'll meet Halo Hailey or Sassie Pants.

So, that's a little bit about me. Whether I'm basking in the sun, causing a bit of mischief, or showing off my sassy side, I'm just enjoying life here on the farm. And if you ever visit, remember – a carrot goes a long way in making a new friend! 🥕🐴💕

From Halo Hailey


The noisy little donkey

Yo, Buzz here! I'm the fluffiest, speediest little donkey at Sunny Acres, and let me tell you about my mom.

She's the best-my very own 24/7 walking snack bar. She's super cool, but sometimes I don't think she gets that I'm a growing donkey. I need my munchies! In the morning, I give her the biggest, cutest 'I'm starving' look, and bam! It's breakfast time.

She's a bit slow sometimes, though. Like, hello? Can't you see this belly needs filling? The sun's up, and I'm out, tasting every bit of grass I can find. I've got to eat lots, right? I'm growing!

But mom just chuckles and calls me her 'little lawn mower.' Moms, right? They just don't understand the hunger of the mighty Buzz.

Then, as evening falls, and mom heads to the stable for some quiet time, I'm bouncing around her like a pinball. She's trying to relax, but hey, playtime never ends when you've got energy like mine!

Nighttime's snack time again.

But when I ask for more, mom gives me this look, like she can't believe I can still eat. She'll learn-I've got a donkey-sized appetite!

Life here at Sunny Acres is just one big adventure, especially with my snack bar mom. Can't wait for all the eats and treats tomorrow's gonna bring!

Peace out!


The caregiver

Magnolia here, with my daily dose of reality. Buzz, my personal wake-up call, kicks off the day not with a gentle nudge but with demanding breakfast from his 24/7 walking snack bar-me.

By midday, I'm daydreaming about a place where silence exists. But no, Buzz ensures every moment is a loud declaration of his presence.

Evenings should be my downtime, yet here's Buzz, ready to show off his latest noisemaking talents, making sure quiet is just a myth on this farm.

And as for nights, they're less about rest and more about negotiating his next meal and bedtime story. Because, clearly, sleep is optional.

So, here's to life on the farm, where peace is a concept as foreign as a quiet day with Buzz.

Wouldn't change it, but a day off sounds heavenly.

from Magnolia


The new girl in the farm

Hi, I'm North! I've had quite the adventure moving from my old home at Sunny Flats donkey farm in Victoria all the way to my new, green paradise at Sunny Acres farm in QLD. My journey here was super comfy - I got to ride in a fancy horse truck with a real racehorse! Although it was a long three days with lots of moving around, now I get to munch on tasty green grass, and that makes it all worth it.

Here at Sunny Acres, I'm the new girl, and I love it. I hang out with my pals Grace and Kenze. They're teaching me all sorts of things like how to be polite and have good manners. It's not always easy, but I get lots of hugs and brushes when I wear my halter, which I absolutely love!

Oh, and the farrier? Well, getting my feet trimmed is kind of weird, but I'm getting the hang of it. I promise I try to be as good as I can.

Stick around, and you'll hear all about my fun times and the cool things I'm learning here at the farm!

from North

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Sunny Acres Donkey Farm is a happy, sustainable farm, 125kms west of Brisbane, Australia.

We are dedicated to all things donkeys and helping others realise their donkey farm dreams too!


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